Gaztelueta - Consul of Ireland

Gaztelueta – Consul of Ireland

THE EUROPEAN UNION AND OUR DAILY LIFE– Mr. Rocco Caira, Consul of Ireland to the Provinces of Bizkaia, Araba and Gipuzkoa.

Graduate in law, Trinity College Dublin and Diploma in European Law, University College Dublin. Diploma in Advanced Studies in International Relations and Public International Law, University of the Basque Country. Over 25 years’ experience of the law applied to international trade and contracts. Mr Caira is Practicing member of the Bar in Bilbao (Ilustre Colegio de Abogados del Señorío de Vizcaya). He is Member of the Law Society of Ireland and also of the Law Society of England and Wales. Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Lecturer in law at Deusto Business School and Lecturer in International Negotiations at the Escuela Universitaria de la Cámara de Comercio de Bilbao.