Gaztelueta: session en free trade and commerce

Gaztelueta: session en free trade and commerce










Dr Martin Rode,  Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Navarra has given a talk on costs and benefits of free trade to 2nd Bachillerato Social Sciences students. Economic key issues were explained during a talk that covered several Macro or Microeconomic aspects. The goal was to link current economic hot questions to the more general theory. It was the case of TTIP negotiations between the US and European Union. Professor Rode was fellow at the University of Cantabria in Santander, from where he received his doctoral degree in Economics. He also obtained Economics and Political Sciences Degrees at University of Innsbruck (Austria). In the course of his doctoral studies, he spent considerable time at Florida State University (USA), focusing his research on the relationship between democracy, institutions and economic outcomes. The session was the third of the four Special Seminar organized to introduce the students in Law, Economic and Marketing cases.